

  • 15
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:
  • 公司地址: 江苏省 苏州 苏州市高新区
  • 姓名: 朱健
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信已绑定


  • 所属行业:安防 安全检查设备
  • 发布日期:2022-12-06
  • 阅读量:388
  • 价格:280.00 元/套 起
  • 产品规格:复合式
  • 产品数量:1000.00 套
  • 包装说明:硬纸箱
  • 发货地址:江苏苏州  
  • 关键词:建德洗眼器,X-I洗眼器,杭州洗眼器,嘉兴洗眼器,复合式洗眼器


    建德洗眼器X-I复合型不锈钢紧急冲淋洗眼器杭州立式洗眼器嘉兴壁挂式洗眼器材质: 不锈钢/ 不锈钢烤漆
    涂层: 精细抛光/ 高亮度环氧树脂涂层
    冲淋器:SUS304 不锈钢入水管(38mm), 球阀开关, 圆条拉杆(直径
    洗眼器:SUS304 不锈钢入水管(38mm)、球阀开关和洗眼盆
    喷头: 洗眼喷头高密度PP,内置不锈钢过滤网,过滤水中杂物
    注明: 洗眼停止使用后,管道内积水自动排空,达到防冻目的
    Stainless Steel Emergency Eye Wash
    Stainless Steel Emergency Eye Wash
    Stainless Steel Emergency
    Shower & Eye Wash
    Type: stainless steel /Epoxy coating stainless steel
    Coating: gloss exquisite polished/high gloss epoxy powder coating
    Emergency shower: stainless steel 304 inlet pipe(38mm), stay-open ball
    valve switch,pull rod (D6mm)& shower head
    Eye wash: stainless steel 304 inlet pipe(38mm), stay-open ball valve
    switch &eye wash bowl &dust cap
    Eye spray head: chemical resistant PP, built-in stainless steel filter for
    impurity clearance
    Note:Foot treadle stainless steel available,after washing the eyes, the
    pipe of water can empty automatically to achieve preventting frostbite
    材质: 冲淋球阀、洗眼阀为SUS304 不锈钢,洗眼盆、洗眼喷头和冲淋头为ABS 材质,
    管为镀锌钢管,内壁做防腐处理,管径 42mm
    涂层: 特有的涂层有效防护多种化学物质的侵蚀
    喷头: 冲淋喷头直径为250mm 的ABS 工程塑料,可提供较大流量80 升/ 分钟(压力为
    0.6MPa)的出水流量。洗眼盆直径为250mm 的ABS 工程塑料。洗眼喷头内装起泡器,
    阀门: 冲淋阀门为G3/4 球阀 洗眼阀门为G1/2 球阀
    流量: 根据管道压力不同其流量随之变化,在规定的水压范围内,洗眼喷头较大出水量为
    11.5 升/ 分钟
    水压: 适用水压0.2MPa-0.6MPa
    水源: 常温纯水或符合卫生标准用水
    SGPW 紧急冲淋洗眼器
    SGPW Emergency Shower&Eye Wash
    SGPW 紧急洗眼器
    SGPW Emergency Eye Wash
    Material: Shower ball valve, eye wash valve are the 304 stainless steel , eye wash bowl, eye wash
    sprayer heads and shower head are ABS material,the tube is galvanized steel material, inside of the
    pipe has done the anticorrosive processing, pipe diameter is 42 mm
    Coating: the especial coating can resist chemicals
    Sprayer head: the ABS diameter of spray head is 250mm,supply the MAX.outlet water flux 80L/
    min,(the pressure is 0.6MPa),The ABS diameter of the eye wash bowl is 250mm.Built-in bubbly
    equipment,sofeened water spray for eye protection,the outside have the duct cap,removed
    automatically when eye wash is operated
    Valve: the valve of the shower is G3/4 ball valve.The valve of the eye wash is G1/2 ball valve
    Rate of flow: along with the pipeline pressure the water flux is changed,within the stated water
    pressure,the max,outlet flux of eye wash is 11.5L/min.
    Water pressure: the applicable water pressure is 0.2MPa-0.6MPa
    Source: normal temperature purity water or according with sanitation standard water
    Note:After washing the eyes, the pipe of water can empty automatically to achieve preventting
    frostbite. Also can add the stainless steel foot treadle to control the switch of washing the eyes.
    ( 红色脚踏)
    SGPW 紧急冲淋洗眼器
    SGPW Emergency Shower&Eye Wash((Red foot-treadle))
    SGPW 紧急冲淋洗眼器
    SGPW Emergency Shower&Eye Wash(Yellow)
    紧急冲淋洗眼器- 真正安全*
    Emergency eye wash Real Security Experts
    注明: 洗眼停止使用后,管道内积水自动排空,达到防冻目的,可添加不锈钢踏板,控制洗眼开关

    欢迎来到苏州奥普实验设备有限公司网站, 具体地址是江苏省苏州苏州市高新区,联系人是朱健。 主要经营苏州洗眼器,苏州万向抽气罩,苏州实验台,苏州灭菌器,苏州安全柜,苏州药品柜,苏州消解器 1:实验台系列:2:药品柜、气瓶柜、储存柜、器皿柜、生物安全柜、洁净工作台、传递窗、风淋室。 3:通风柜系列:4: 废气处理设备、洗涤塔、通风系统设备、风机风管、万向抽气罩、 AA抽气罩。 5:防护设备、紧急冲淋器、紧急冲淋洗眼器。 6:实验台台面: 7:实验室配件:。 单位注册资金未知。 作为一家从事教育装备多年的企业,主营苏州洗眼器,苏州实验台,苏州万向抽气罩,苏州灭菌器,苏州消解器,苏州安全柜等产品,不论是什么样的客户我们都会以真诚的态度,优惠的价格,可靠地品质及热忱的服务来面对您。而且大量的库存以及合作的物流公司,确保您的货物能准确安全的到达您的手中。一切为成为您可靠的伙伴而努力!